International B2B Apparel Fair at the Largest Apparel Industry Center in Europe

in the new expo hall

For exhibitors.

See what we have prepared

Networking zone

During the event, a specially designated networking zone will be provided, designed to exchange experiences and build stronger business relationships. Industry meetings provide an excellent opportunity to expand the circle of potential business partners and create a solid audience base.

Educational panel

Numerous speeches and an industry conference led by renowned speakers, experienced practitioners and experts in the field.

Welcome packages

We will prepare badges and personalized welcome packages for all registered participants and deliver them directly to the address provided in the registration form.

You will be part of the fastest growing trade show

Targi Odzieży Międzynarodowej stanowią doskonałą platformę dla wystawców, oferując im wyjątkową okazję do nawiązania nowych partnerstw handlowych oraz zwiększenia obrotów w ramach transakcji hurtowych. Aktywne uczestnictwo w tym wydarzeniu przyczyni się do wzrostu rozpoznawalności marki w branży, otwierając jednocześnie możliwość sprzedaży zarówno najnowszych kolekcji, jak i tych archiwalnych.

Kontraktowy charakter imprezy oraz jej dynamiczny charakter sprawią, że stanie się ona kluczowym wydarzeniem modowym w tej części Europy.

You will present your products and services to thousands of consumers

Tempo rozwoju w branży modowej jest wyjątkowo szybkie, co oznacza, że wszyscy, którzy z niej korzystają, powinni być na bieżąco z najnowszymi zmianami. Zwiększająca się rola sprzedaży e-commerce w tym sektorze, rosnące zainteresowanie klientów ubraniami z drugiej ręki oraz rosnąca świadomość negatywnego wpływu fast fashion, to zagadnienia wywołujące dyskusje.

Te tematy będą szeroko omawiane podczas Kongresu Branży Odzieżowej, który stanowić będzie platformę do wymiany poglądów między wystawcami na najbardziej aktualne kwestie dotyczące sektora.

You will gainvaluable knowledgeand get to knownewsof the market

In business, you must not stand still. By visiting our fair you have the opportunity to participate in training, seminars and industry conferences, you will gain valuable knowledge that you can practically use in your business.

Make valuable business contacts

At the fair, you will be able to have conversations and establish valuable business relationships that will lead to new contracts. Trade fairs provide a unique opportunity not only to build a new customer base, but also to gain knowledge about their needs. This will enable you to even better tailor your offerings to your audience’s expectations, which will ultimately increase your company’s profits.

You will gainvaluable knowledgeand get to knownewsof the market

EXPO TRENDS – International Apparel&Fashion Expo isthe largest and most modern trade fair complex in Poland, dedicated to business, commercial and entertainment events. The idea of ​​creating it results from the need to organize fairs, congresses, training, mass events and other events using an innovative exhibition system.

An excellent location in the center of Poland, in Rzgównear Łódź, directly next to national road No. 1 and at the intersection of the S8 and S14 expressways, guarantees quick and convenient access from every part of the country.

About theorganizer

Thanks to a solid network of industry contacts, we are able to attract both exhibitors and sponsors to the fair, which guarantees you access to the latest and most innovative products and services in your industry.

We are always looking for new and exciting ways to enhance the attractiveness of trade fairs, ensuring that they are fresh and exciting for participants. Our team is flexible, able to adapt to changing circumstances and efficiently deal with unforeseen challenges that may arise during the event.

We make decisions and take actions quickly to ensure that the fair runs smoothly and that all participants have a positive experience.

Dedicatedtrade fair development

See the fair stand catalog and prepare to participate in the fair even more effectively.

Thanks to the catalog, you have the opportunity to use ready-made stand designs, which will make your preparations for the fair easier and will also save you valuable time and money. By choosing a ready-made stand design, you will be able to focus on other important aspects of preparation for the fair, such as preparing an offer, organizing transport or planning marketing activities.

Step 3 of 3

Thank you for registering
for Expo Trends!

We are glad you will join our event, full of inspiration and new trends.

We encourage you to fill out the last form, so we can prepare a unique VIP welcome package for you, which will surely make your stay at the fair more pleasant.

The last step

Enter the address where we should send the free VIP welcome package

You will receive a complimentary set of goodies along with an exhibition schedule.

International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2024
Step 2 of 3

Your ticket has been
generated successfully!

You will receive it to the indicated e-mail address.
May take a few minutes.

Do you want to become an exhibitor
of the Trends Expo fair?

Upcoming edition:


Ptak Wholesale Center

Expo Hall | Rzgów | Poland

International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2024
Krok 3 z 3

Dziękujemy za rejestrację
na Targi Expo Trends!

Cieszymy się, że dołączysz do naszego wydarzenia,
pełnego inspiracji i nowych trendów.

Zachęcamy do wypełnienia ostatniego formularza,
dzięki temu będziemy mogli przygotować dla Was
wyjątkowy pakiet powitalny VIP, który z pewnością
umili Wasz pobyt na targach.

Ostatni krok

Podaj adres, na który mamy wysłać darmowy pakiet powitalny VIP

Otrzymasz bezpłatny zestaw gadżetów wraz z planem targów.

International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2024